Kulkwitzer See recreation area

Lake Kulkwitz is one of the most popular lakes in the Leipzig region and Leipziger Neuseenland. And that’s not all: thanks to its excellent underwater visibility, it is also one of the most important diving waters in the whole of Europe. Find out more about the direct neighborhood of the event location amSee here:

Our surroundings

The most important facts

The Kulkwitzer See recreation area is a small but beautiful oasis on the western outskirts of Leipzig. The eponymous lake was created between 1963 and 1973 from a former open-cast lignite mine. This makes the lake between Leipzig and Markranstädt one of the first open-cast mining lakes in Leipzig’s Neuseenland region. The official opening of the recreational area took place in 1973.

Blick auf den Kulkwitzer See vom Ostufer aus

Recreation and water fun

What makes Lake Kulkwitz so special

Lake Kulkwitz is one of the most popular lakes in the Leipzig region and the Leipzig New Lake District. It offers excellent bathing water quality (in accordance with the EU Bathing Water Directive). Thanks to its excellent underwater visibility, it is also one of the most important diving waters in the whole of Europe.

But it’s not just the lake itself that invites you to have lots of fun. The surrounding forests are ideal for relaxing walks and bike rides.

The connection to Leipzig city center via bus, streetcar and S-Bahn is excellent.

Sonnenuntergang über dem Kulkwitzer See, von der Location amSee aus aufgenommen