Your business event at the lake: relaxation from the daily work routine!

From the classic company summer party to the panel discussion, the network meeting, the product presentation, workshops to team building events: At the Eventlocation amSee you will experience the perfect business event with a dreamlike scenery.

What are the advantages of a business event at theLake?

Large outdoor area
White umbrellas, comfortable lounge furniture, large sun awning and probably the most beautiful view over the Kulkwitzer See in Leipzig: This is what awaits you on our spacious outdoor area.


For even more beautiful events: This is what the renovation at the amSee location was like

Anyone who has passed by our event location amSee in the last few weeks has certainly noticed: our renovation has been progressing with giant steps. What all has been modernized and what our event guests can look forward to from now on, we reveal in this article.

Conversion with challenges

As if a comprehensive venue conversion in Corona times wasn’t difficult enough, we were dealing with a very special building fabric.
