Equipment & catering at amSee

At the event location amSee Leipzig, you benefit from modern facilities and outstanding service. Our event rooms and spaces offer you all the comfort you could wish for at your event. On this page you can find out more about furniture, technology, catering & co.

Finger food, buffet & co.

Versatile catering

Our in-house caterer EVENTFOOD24 takes care of the catering at the amSee location. The kitchen team offers you and your guests a wide range of delicious dishes for your event, including

Drinks are supplied entirely by the amSee event location.

Einer der Köche des Teams beim Anrichten von Gemüse in der Küche

Modern and variable

Our event furniture

The event location amSee Leipzig is of course already furnished. We offer elegant and versatile furniture for your event, both indoors and outdoors. If something is missing or if you have individual wishes, we will organize the appropriate equipment for you.

This and other furniture is already available:

Das Oberdeck der Eventlocation amSee ist eingerichtet mit weißen modernen Bankettmöbeln. Auf den Tischen stehen Blumenschmuck, Geschirr, Gläser sowie Wein- und Wasserflaschen.

Sound system & Co.

Event technology

Ambient lighting, air conditioning and air filtration system, high-quality sound system: our professional technology ensures a pleasant stay. For example, you can also use our various screens and show your own pictures, films etc. during your event. Our technical equipment at a glance:

Der Wintergarten der Eventlocation amSee am Abend. Draußen ist es dunkel, lilafarbenes und bernsteinfarbenes Licht sorgt für Partystimmung.

Kitchen, photo box & Co.

Other equipment

Even though the actual ship is around 100 years old, today it offers all the amenities of a modern event location, including

Freie Trauung am Strandabschnitt der Location amSee. Die Freie Trauung im Rahmen Ihrer Hochzeit kann am Strand, auf der Terrasse oder auf der Bug-Terrasse im ersten Obergeschoss stattfinden.